Want to test us out before signing up? Join us for a FREE sample class. Just email the day and time you will be attending along with all contact information.

Spring Sessions:
Spring 1: March 10 - April 11 (5 week session) 
Spring 2: April 21 - May 16
Spring 3: May 19 - June 13 (only offered for 6:30 am class)

~Sunrise Soldier: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 6:30 - 7:00 am
~Morning Machine: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 9:15 - 10:15 am 
**Note all classes subject to participation. Will be notified if cancelled.

Pricing Options:
Option of 1, 2, or 3 days a week. 
**Prices will be prorated if starting after session begins.
Winter 3 (4 weeks):
3 days - $95.00
2 days - $65.00
1 day - $35.00

Spring Sessions:
~Sunrise Soldier: 
3 days - $50.00 (Spring 1: 62.00)
2 days - $35.00 (Spring 1: 44.00)
1 day - $20.00 (Spring 1: 25.00)

~Morning Machine:
3 days - $85.00 (Spring 1: 105.00)
2 days - $60.00 (Spring 1: 75.00)
1 day - $30.00 (Spring 1: 38.00)

Class Location: Winter classes will be held in the clubhouse at Hiddenbrook Pool located at 1508 Sadlers Wells Dr Herndon. Classes may be outside occasionally. Spring session will be held same location but in the parking lot.

Register Now: Please email me at with:
1. Class selection and Price option
2. Full Name
3. Date of Birth
4. Address
5. Phone Number
6. Email 
7. Fitness Goal(s)